R3: Repattern, Restore, & Reclaim
Each of us can self-direct our own biological and energetic transformation
The R3 Program will help you learn how
The R3 program goes beyond labels, diagnoses, symptoms, diets, food and supplements to focus on the deep energetic patterns driving all aspects of your life. These may include: life traumas, cultural patterning and even the pathogens that inhabit our bodies – viruses, bacteria, parasites and yeasts – which carry their own signature vibration that can be in dissonance with ours. We remove the “big rocks” biochemically and energetically, inviting in new and higher-level frequencies.
This multidimensional program blends the interrelationship of your given genetic blueprint and your current state of health with a dynamic way to shift undesirable emotions, feelings, patterns and paradigms, initiating a deep restorative process and an exponential outcome.
You and I will work together to facilitate the manifestation of your true purpose and desired state – from personal physical and emotional health to career; from interpersonal relationships to life passions and goals; from obligations and responsibilities to purpose and meaning; from destructive patterning to breakthrough re-patterning; and from limiting beliefs to infinite possibilities and outcomes. Through our work together, I will teach you how to engage these skills on your own, so that you may always be in your alignment and sovereign power.