The Cochrane Method
Discover a pioneering method in epigenetics-driven health analysis, with longevity and sustainability at its core.
A New Method for a Novel Season
Each of us is born with a unique genetic blueprint that can determine the course of our health and wellness. Throughout our lifetime, our genetic expression can and most likely will shift as we navigate nutritional and dietary changes, as well as physiological, environmental and emotional challenges.
In order to provide effective health solutions at scale, the health and wellness paradigm must shift to address health at its deepest and most essential concern: how our behaviors and the environment around us influence our genetic expression, with the potential to create health imbalances.
It’s time for a health model that moves with you.
What We Preach
The Cochrane Method® is a precision wellness model that approaches health through a lens of true bio-individuality. This methodology captures the complex nature of the individual by assessing the body through four portals of epigenetic expression. Using an algorithmic analysis with a nutrigenomic underpinning, our method produces a universal assessment to locate the root of an imbalance. Dietary, supplementation, and lifestyle changes are then developed to address both acute and chronic imbalances at the level of the individual.
Although our method is intricate, it is elegantly simple in its execution. With The Cochrane Method®, health, vitality and longevity can be achieved for every individual, at every stage of life.
What We Teach
Our lives are not static, and neither are our bodies. As we navigate different life stages and scenarios, our genes may be affected or “tripped” into a negative expression, or positive genetic expression may be repressed. This can result in health imbalances, illness, or states of autoimmunity.
The Cochrane Method® seeks to understand the body through four epigenetic portals: Pathogenic, Environmental, Physical, and Emotional.
The Four Portals Of Epigenetic Expression
Related to bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral and/or mycotoxic organisms
Including food, chemicals, poisons, household toxins, heavy metals, preservatives, certain misguided supplementation and/or pharmaceuticals, herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, food dyes, etc.
Concerning in-utero trauma, inherited DNA, trans-generational trauma, patterning and programming based on triggers of life experiences
Regarding impact to the body through accident, labor, trauma, or sports
A Note From The Founder, Teri Cochrane
The Cochrane Method represents a pillar in the next generation of bio-individualized wellness. Weaving together research literature, core concepts of biochemistry and nutrigenomic analysis, energy medicine and 20 years of anecdotal evidence from my clinical practice, this model focuses not on temporary wellness, but rather lifelong wellness. It’s a multidimensional, iterative, future-facing model. The best part? It works.
An estimated 1.6 million people of the reproductive age in the United States are affected by infertility. To become pregnant, and sustain a healthy pregnancy, a number of systems must be addressed at the bioindividual level, taking into account the physiological, emotional and genetic matrices of both parents.
The Cochrane Method® seeks to optimize fertility and successful pregnancies by taking a novel approach to nutrition, supplementation, epigenetics and quantum physics, identifying potential disruptors that other fertility solutions may overlook.
We address fertility through a lens that examines:
The Nutrigenomic blueprinting of both parents
The pathogenic loads of both parents
Environmental & lifestyle burdens of both parents
The DNA and potential epigenetic expressions of both parents
Familial patterning, such as inherited trauma, etc.
By identifying and rebalancing disruptors to fertility at the intersection of both parents, we are ushering in a new paradigm in fertility solutions, providing families with unprecedented results where even fertility clinics have failed.
Enroll for Our In-Practice Shadow Training
If you are a practitioner or health service looking to expand your health analysis capability and improve client results, our training program and comprehensive course in The Cochrane Method® can help you make the difference.
Practitioners eligible for enrollment in The Cochrane Method training program include: MDs, DOs, NDs, PA-Cs, DNPs, CNPs, PTs, OTs, DCs, RDs, DPs, and Psychiatrists.